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Contact us

We are here for you!

Contact details

Customer Service Office

Obora, ul. Szafirowa 19, 59-335 Lubin

Our office is open from monday to friday: 8:00-16:00 CEST

Tel. +48 76 740 00 00
Fax +48 76 745 44 50
Mobile +48 661 881 600

e-mail: biuro@kamnet.pl

Support Hotline

From monday to friday: 16.30-22.00 CEST,
on weekends and holidays: 8.00-22.00 CEST

Write to us

Trusted us

Urząd Pracy
Biuro Podróży "My Travel"
Dyckerhoff Polska
Centrum Florystyczne "Grajewscy"
CDT Medicus
Lasy Państwowe

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